Every time I go to my sister's house I notice a chart that she has posted in her kitchen for child CPR, and I always think that I should get one for my house, and I finally have. Click on the title of this post and it will take you to one printable chart that I found. If you know where to find a better one let me know. I just think that even if we know what to do in an emergency, our babysitters may not!
I know that I am an overprotective mom, but why not be?
I have also fallen in love with this thermometer!

My mom gave me this thermometer about a year ago, and no lie, I use it everyday! My kids are always sick and for those of you who have had children with ear infections, you know that they scream when you try to take their temp with an ear scanner.
I seriously think that everyone should have one of these. You just place it on their forehead and push the button, EASY! I think that they are far more accuarte than the ear thermometers and far less icky than doing it rectally! (Who has really ever done that!) Anyway, if your kids are sick, go get one! I love it!
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