Monday, January 26, 2009

Too Much Fun!

At last minute, I decided to ride down to Utah with my Sister-in-law Stacie and visit my parents for a couple of days. We left on Wednesday and Vince came down on Friday night to pick us up. We had a great time.

We didn't follow our usual routine of Babies R Us, Taipan and Costco, (Which is what we always do when we come for the weekend. Even though we did stop in to Babies R Us; I always need something). We had a jam packed schedule!

First we went to Discover Gateway in Salt Lake at the Gateway shopping center. The kids loved it. You could spend days in there with all the fun activities they have.

Our favorite place was the little play town . You can work on a construction site, work on a farm, ride a horse, deliver mail, be a policeman, fireman, and the list goes on and on. There were even costumes for every thing. Jack's favorite was the Grocery Store where he could pick out food and then ring it up. I could barely drag him out of it.

The kids also loved the play house and Jack and I spent a lot of time building houses and then knocking them down by pushing the Earthquake Button.

On the roof they had a real Life Flight Helicopter that the kids could go inside and even sit in the pilot seat. It made real helicopter noises that made Jack nervous, but he eventually warmed up.

On Saturday we got up early and went to the Draper Temple Open House. It was rainy and windy and we were so glad they had tents! The temple is practically in my parents back yard, but the system was this: Drive to a church in Draper, watch a movie at the church, get on bus to ride to the temple, tour the temple, end up in different church by the temple, eat some treats, get back on your bus and ride to the church you started at. It was quite a process, but it flowed great. I had high hopes of getting a picture of me and Vince in front of the temple, but there was never a chance with their system.

That night we went to Boondocks with the entire fam, which has laser tag and arcade games. Jack had his first experience with loud Arcade Games.

It was a great weekend until we drove home and we couldn't get Jack to stop coughing. We decided to stop in Idaho Falls on the way and see a doctor, and sure enough, Jack has RSV! Again! We just can't go anywhere anymore! All in all, it was a great weekend. Thanks for everything Grandpa and Grandma!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend Recap

We didn't do anything extremely exciting over the weekend, but here is a recap.
Spring has come a little early at our house as I have decided to do some deep cleaning. I started with my closet. It had become a mess over the last year with a mixture of maternity clothes and regular clothing. I finally said "Goodbye!" to those saggy butt maternity jeans. I am so glad to get them out of the closet.

You may be thinking that this still doesn't look very organized, but you should have seen it before!

Vince will kill me if he sees this, but I had to share with all of you his obsession with belts. He won't let me fold and organize his pants, but heaven forbid I touch his belts. He keeps them very organized. He still has three more you can't see. I think I own 2 belts. You would think he would take better care of his ties that are on the right, draped over a hanger. I guess we are all OCD about something, right?

We took the kids to Ruby River and surprisingly, they were both very good. Jack didn't throw any kind of fit and Brooke slept the whole time. I think we were in and out within 45 minutes.

This is what happens when you go to Grandma's, have a "blow out" diaper and soil your clothing beyond recognition. I am usually very prepared with extra clothing in the diaper bag, but we left in such a hurry to go to dinner, I forgot. Luckily we found an extra blanket and some pins. I'm sorry Brooke!


We didn't see a whole lot of Vince's face this weekend, because it was covered by this book the entire time. He stole it from his parent's house and won't put it down. It is like 800 pages or something. He is almost finished and we can't wait to have our daddy back.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mommy Must haves

Every time I go to my sister's house I notice a chart that she has posted in her kitchen for child CPR, and I always think that I should get one for my house, and I finally have. Click on the title of this post and it will take you to one printable chart that I found. If you know where to find a better one let me know. I just think that even if we know what to do in an emergency, our babysitters may not!

I know that I am an overprotective mom, but why not be?

I have also fallen in love with this thermometer!

My mom gave me this thermometer about a year ago, and no lie, I use it everyday! My kids are always sick and for those of you who have had children with ear infections, you know that they scream when you try to take their temp with an ear scanner.
I seriously think that everyone should have one of these. You just place it on their forehead and push the button, EASY! I think that they are far more accuarte than the ear thermometers and far less icky than doing it rectally! (Who has really ever done that!) Anyway, if your kids are sick, go get one! I love it!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Do you want the good news, or the bad news?

We'll start with the good news. I took Jack to the doctor and he said that one of his ear tubes has fallen out. Yay! We are one step closer to him being able to lay down in the bath tub! I can't wait for the other one to come out so the kids at the pool aren't constantly asking me what those pink things in his ears are (ear plugs). It will be one year since his surgery in March.

Jacks ear tube surgery, March 18, 2008
Now for the not so great news. I also took Brooke to the doctor and she is currently experiencing her THIRD ear infection since birth. He said we need to sign her up for tubes right now. They don't put them in babies this young, so I have to talk to an ENT for more details and how soon we can do the surgery. I am not looking forward to it. I don't know how I am going to wash all that hair without getting her ears wet! Just when I thought we were out of the woods.

Do you want the rest of the bad news?

Look closely at this picture and see if you can tell what is wrong.

Um, Yeah. The front tooth on your left, does it look a little darker than the other one? Scroll down to where I have posted some pictures of Jack and Vince snowmobiling and you can be a witness to the accident. Apparently during their ride, Vince ran into a fence and Jack went flying into the front of the snowmobile. I was not made aware of the severity of the accident until recently, when we noticed the dead tooth. That's right, IT'S DEAD! The dentist said that it will continue to get darker, turn black, then fall out. Oh Great! Jack will be missing a front tooth for the next 4 years of his life.

Now look at this picture and find what is wrong.

Here is a little hint. It is a tooth problem as well. This picture was taken a few days before the other one ( That is how quickly the tooth is turning black). But that isn't what your looking at. Look at his bottom teeth. Instead of having four front teeth, he only has three! The dentist also isn't sure if there is even a permanent one in there somewhere. I knew I should have been a dentist! At this rate, Brooke probably won't even have teeth. Whatta ya do? I guess I'll love em anyway!

If you would like to donate to the Byram Family Dental Plan Fund, please contact me.

Boy are we in for it! :)