Sunday, July 24, 2016

Easter Sunday

Easter Morning was magical. 

It might have been the bowtie. I'm pretty sure it was. 

We had eggs for breakfast. Easter Eggs. 

 And you know when the camera is out, I just can't seem to stop taking pictures. 

 We have 9AM church, and we squeezed in Easter Baskets and pictures before church. 
Go me. Go us. 

James was a circus at church, as usual, but he looked so cute it was hard to be mad.

I had some activities planned for after church. 

We colored Eggs with crayons. These like cardboard chalk eggs. They were great. 

 I really would have left him in that bowtie all day. He was so darling. 

 While dinner was cooking, I had planned an egg hunt for the kids, but they had soo much candy from the past few days that I decided to fill the eggs with funny things to do, and they loved the game. 
 Hunting for eggs, 

One of Jack's eggs said, "Be tickled for 10 seconds"

One of Ivy's said "Do 10 push ups"

And hold still for 1 minute

Wheelbarrow around the living room.

 And here is Brooke singing Happy Birthday!

We finished the day watching church movies about Jesus. It was perfection.