Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Our New Life as Family of 6

During the first few weeks of having James in our family, we spent a lot of time admiring how cute he is.  
Like how he holds his blankie like an old lady holds her house dress.

And how delicious his hairy ears are...

And his skinny little legs. 

 There have been lots of Dr Appointments, like on the 25th of March when he finally weighed enough to be circumcised. Our ride home was not quiet. 

I spent a lot of my day trying to keep the girls off him, and 95% of my day pumping bottles, washing bottles, and feeding him bottles. It was such a disaster. 

Ivy would ask me 10x a day to take her picture as she was feeling a little ignored.

And then would run to get her camera when James would do something cute. 

Everyone would jump at the chance to feed baby James.

But for most of the time, we were all just plain exhausted. Here's the proof!

Craters of the Moon

On Sunday March 22nd we decided to go on a little drive.  We weren't going to the let kids go to church for fear of bringing home sickness to James, so we thought this was better than just sitting at home all day. We had just gotten Ivy back the night before. 

I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Vince said I would be able to nap in the car, as I was exhausted, but we left home about 10 and didn't get home until 5! Longest day. 
 Luckily James was pretty darn good!

When we got to Craters of the Moon we  stopped at the visitors center to use the potty and so I could feed James before driving through the park. 
The kids each made a little coin and Ivy trying to turn the wheel was hilarious. 

Family Selfie!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Life After Abby

My wonderful sister Abby came up to Idaho with my parents when James was born, and even though they had to leave, she stayed for a whole week! 

She cooked and cleaned and took care of these yahoos!

She would even take a few night shifts with James so I could rest. She is pretty much the most wonderful sista eva! 

When she went home, she took Ivy Jane to stay at Liz's for a week, and things got pretty quiet. 

 Vince was finally over his cold so me and James moved back into the bedroom from our little beds on the floor in his room.  I had James sleep on the floor next to me because he would only sleep for 30 minutes at a time and it was just easier. 

We also tried out a new ride, and snuggled a lot!

 He had a few issues...

And I couldn't help but take 100 selfies of the two of us. 

Two weeks old here. I rolled over one morning to see him smiling away at me! 

We somehow survived without Abby, but I'm pretty sure it was because Ivy was missing.