Saturday, July 6, 2013


I didn't even have a chance to post that our home was for sale, before it sold.
 We expected it to take about a year to sell.
It took 2 weeks.
We are still in shock, and have to be out 2.5 weeks. We have nowhere to go, and don't have a plan.
It has all happened so quickly.  Pray for me, I am on the verge of a serious breakdown. 

With all the House Drama taking place, I didn't have time to blog about: 

Jack doing Baseball the month of June

And I came home from every game in tears because Ivy was a disaster. 
Over the course of 4 weeks we froze, sweated to death, and got soaked at the games. 

I didn't get to blog about our fun night at the Rigby Rodeo!

Or about how we re-barked the ALL the flower beds around the house!!!!!

 We worked while Brooke enjoyed the pool to herself!

In June we also had a fun night at the Demolition Derbey! 

 Where one of the cars even caught on fire, Ooooohhh!

I drove the kids every.single.morning to Idaho Falls for 2 weeks for swim lessons. 

 Where on the last day they had to go off the diving board.  Jack stood there for about 12 minutes. 

And both my kids had to be lowered into the water.  It's progress for my two little aquaphobs!

Now it's time to pack and cry.
I am not ready to move. 


Karla said...

There is a lovely house on our street for sale, come on down!!!