Friday, May 31, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

I totally snapped this right before Sacrament started.  She was eating her Smarties through the plastic. 
She is crazy-sauce. 

We got a little dirty at Grandma's after chruch.

Monday morning Ivy woke up with some serious bedhead. 
Yoda ears. 

I finally painted these chairs that belonged to our very first dining set when we got married. It was Vince's mom's old one and she past it on to us.  The table is long gone, but the chairs were so cool I kept them, with hopes to paint them one day.  8 years later I finally did it. Go me. 

Our kids have never been to a cemetery so we thought we better visit Vince's Grandparents and teach the kids a few things. 

After Visiting Grandma Olive, we got in the car and Brooke broke down crying.  When I asked her what was wrong she said with tears rolling down her face,
"I'm not ready to be an angel yet."

She still doesn't understand death yet. 
It's okay, she's got time. 

I told her when she becomes an angel (when she is an old grandma) I will be there to hold her hand.  

We were all on the verge of tears. 

Great weekend with the fam.