Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ballerina Girl

Last night was Brooke's Dance Recital
The night we have been waiting for all year!

Prepare yourselves for a serious photo overload. 

She did two numbers:

Twist and Shout
Ballerina Girl

Before the recital started, we dropped the girls off in this room where they got treats and watched a Barbie movie. 

When it was over and I picked her up off the stage, she told me she felt sick. 
Oh crap.  
Then she started coughing, OH CRAP!  Grab a bag!!!

I rushed her outside for some air, and luckily she didn't throw up.  She was just tired/dehydrated/nervous/excited/hot  all the above!

 Great job little Ballerina Girl!
I already can't wait until next years performance (even though it was 3 1/2 hours long with 43 dance numbers), it was the cutest thing ever!