We spent all of last week, a whopp'n 5 Days at DISNEYLAND! It was awesome.
But lets start from the beginning....
The trip didn't start out so good. We left Ivy with Grandma Wheatley, puking her guts out. I felt so awful for my mom. Then we got to the airport and BARELY made our flight because the line at security was INSANE!!!
Then we were airborne and ready for fun!
We rode a shuttle that was -20degrees to the Hotel, dropped off our stuff, and headed into the park for some fun!
It was Cinco De Mayo and even though the park was packed, we got to walk on to a lot of the rides.
Brooke was so worn out every night!
Day 2 didn't start out so good either. Can see you that rain? The sheets of rain? It was unreal!
We sat in the room debating on what to do, but we grabbed our umbrellas and headed out!
Luckily we had pretty good weather the rest of the trip.
I surprised the kids with these disposable cameras and wrote their names on them. A major hit.

We waited in line a lot!
And even talked Grandma Jane to go on a few water rides with us!
I also surprised the kids with new jammies......MY KIDS LOVE JAMMIES!
Jack was so excited to spend his hard earned money at the Lego Store!
We waited in line FOREVER to ride Toy Story Mania
Jack spent the rest of his money at Ride Makerz, it's like Build a Bear but with cars.
Splash Mountain was a favorite for all.
We dragged Brooke on it the first time and she was not happy about it.
Then we convinced Grandma Jane to give it a try. She HATES water rides.
Oddly enough, Brooke was really excited to ride it now.

We are able to talk Grandma into riding it two times. The second time around she was a lot braver!
Brooke earned Minnie Ears for riding it without crying, and I got soaked that run!!!!
California Scream'n
Vince and I learned this trip that we are old and weak.
We rode the roller coaster once, and could barely walk when we got off. Grandma Jane had to ride it with Jack for the rest of the trip. She is a lot tougher than we are. Jack made her ride about 5 times. He HAD to have a shirt to prove he rode the scariest ride at Disneyland.
Goofy's Kitchen
Once again, this restaurant was a highlight of our trip.
Characters come right to your table!
The Mad Hatter was hilarious and one of our favorites!
Oh Cinderella, dream come true.
We found all sorts of characters in the park.
And even waited in line FOREVER to see Minnie!

WE could have spent the entire trip in Cars Land, we loved it!
We went into the parks Sunday-Thursday, and then Friday morning we stayed at the hotel to pack up and even did a little swimming. It was finally warm enough!
We even talked Jack into going down the waterslide.
We almost had the whole place to ourselves, as it was 9am!
I took 1000 more pictures.
Looks like I'll have to make a book!
*Brooke walking into the hotel room, and spent a few minutes surveying the place. She confusingly asked "Is this it? Where is the kitchen?" She is too used to going to the condos. She has never stayed in a hotel without a kitchen.
*Brooke's goofy giggles every time she got in the stroller. Her favorite ride at Disneyland.
*Jack correcting Grandma Jane every time she called a ride the wrong name.
"Jack, lets go ride California Dreamin."
"Screamin" Under his breather.
*After waiting in line to see Jasmine, we were next in line and Jasmine left and Aladdin arrived. Brooke hid behind a huge pot and wouldn't budge. She did NOT want to see Aladdin!
*Vince rode Space Mountain with Jack first thing one morning, and then didn't ride one more ride the rest of the day because he was sick.
*Grandma Jane discovered Instagram on the trip. She is now a believer in social media.
*Ivy gave my Mom the flu, and my mom kept it a secret from me until I got home.
*Sunday was "Bat" day at Disneyland. Aka, Goth and Freak day. So many freaky Gothic people dressed to the max! Marilyn Manson's everywhere!
*One night we got in line for Cars 10 minutes before the park closed. We thought we were so cool that we figured out how to stay in the park after it closed. Got out of the ride 45 minutes later to find out that the park was open another hour.