This all started last Thursday when Brook had Dance Pictures.

She got to get all dolled up and wear make-up. She couldn't stop staring at herself in the mirror that day. She kept talking about her makeup and how pretty she looked. When we got up the next morning she asked if she could wear makeup, I said no, there were big tears. She continued to ask all day and I kept saying no.
Later on that day I noticed her lips looked a little clown like. Sure enough, she had snuck into my bathroom and got my lipstick and put it on. When I questioned her about it she lied, and told me she didn't do it. I wish I could have gotten a picture of it. She finally fessed up. I was sure we were going to fight about this every day for the rest of our lives.
Saturday morning I had to run to the Mall to get a few things for our upcoming trip and as I walked past Claires, I noticed there was nobody in there, and realized that I could make this a really fun day. And maybe do away with the make-up obsession for a little while.
"Brooke, do you want to get your ear's pierced today?"
The answer was YES!!!!!
She didn't cry at all. I think she was still in shock about the whole thing, it happened so fast.
Jack was in charge of entertaining Ivy in the stroller while all this took place.
I didn't call to ask Daddy's permission.....I just did it. I was so worried he would be mad when we got home.
She was more nervous about the second one, but she still handled it like a big girl.
Ta Da!!!!!
The happiest little girl that ever was!
Jack was having a hard time with Brooke getting all this special treatment, so I told him we could eat lunch at his favorite place....Subway.
Daddy wasn't mad. In fact, he was in shock about how big his little girl looked.
Phew. I asked him if he would have been upset if I had pierced Ivy's, and he told me he would have killed me.
Good thing we just did Brooke.