Monday, March 18, 2013


The other day I was at the store and I must have been talking very loudly, as a lady close by said,
 "Is that really her name?" 
Ivers.  Not the best nickname, but it's what we use. 
I'm sure people think we are idiots when we call her that in public. 

Ivy Jane is 18 months old and full of life!

She climbs up on this chair EVERY.SINGLE.MINUTE

She loves to cause mischief.

She can eat an whole Happy Meal now. 

 She is by far my worst tantrum-er. 

And my best snuggler. 

None of my other kids ever cared about the stuff in the cabinets....
 But she just can't help herself.

She loves to run away from me.  Oh, that makes me so mad!

She is obsessed with playing with the light switches at Grandmas. 

And when we are in Utah, Bella is always her partner in crime. 

 She loves to explore

And "peek"

 And make messes

She LOVES to play finger taggy with this blankie. 

She can multitask. 

and she sure is cute.  
 Love you Ives!


kerstin said...

I love her! She is so cute! Maybe it's a third child thing, because Luke is a trouble maker too! My girls never got into the stuff he's getting into!

Kasha said...

Oh my gosh, she is just TOO CUTE!!!

Karla said...

I think using the rolling pin on her legs could be a new workout craze!

Alicia said...

What a cute post, 18 months is such a great age.

I have to say, I don't think Ivers is worse than calling a boy "Emmy", and every month we say, "We've got to kick this nickname!", but I just can't help it! I swore we'd stop when he turned two, but that came and went a week ago and...he's still Emmy baby...hopefully we can shake it before he goes to school. =)