Friday, December 28, 2012

Cabin Fun!

After our fabulous dinner at La Caille, we all headed up to the cabin in Park City!

We were so happy there was snow!
There is tube beneath me and Brooke, too bad my bum is so big you can't see it!

Jack is getting so brave!

Brooke and Vince almost died here.

Of course the boys have to make a competition out of EVERYTHING!
 I actually can't remember who went the farthest.

 Jack was so cute and would wave at me on the hill. And Brooke finally got brave enough to go down all by herself!

 Ooooh, cute hat. 

 Brooke can hardly walk from her bedroom to the bathroom without whining about how tired she is from walking, but that darn girl carried her tube up that hill 100X, and only whined 25 of those times. 

Jack wiped out bad on one run.... poor boy. 

 Lots of Elk at the cabin this year. 

We snuck out Saturday night and took the kids to Temple Square.  They had never been and we had a great time, even though it was freezing and CROWDED!!!

 We also went over to the Conference Center. Vince has never been inside and he was so excited to look around.