Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pioneer Parade and Rigby Lake

Jack:  "Today was the best day ever!"

Stake Pioneer Parade & Breakfast

Since I am the Primary President and all, I was in charge of making sure our Ward showed up and participated, and in charge of making a banner for our Ward. 

 I had our Ward's banner made online, talk about a life saver!

Jack thanked me 100 times today for letting him be in a parade and pull his sisters all by himself. 
He LOVED it!

 Later in the afternoon, we headed over to the Lake.
Yes, Rigby has a Lake.

I took 1000 pictures. See for yourself.

This is her, "I have something naughty" look. 

Poof. We are exhausted. What a fantabulous day.


Marcie said...

Your pioneer clothes are all adorable.....why didn't I commission you to make my family's?
Can't wait to hear about your Trek.