We made it home from Utah around 11am Christmas Eve. Vince needed to tie up some loose ends at work, and we unpacked from the trip.
Christmas Eve at Grandma Jane's!
Santa thought Brock was Ivy's dad...whoops!
Brook and Ivy were terrified. As usual.
Grandma wasn't scared at all!
Everybody LOVES uncle Trevor!
We headed home after the party and got ready for Santa.
Ivy checking her email before bed.
Christmas Morning
Ivy was in a strange mood. Must have been more than she could handle.
I have never seen her sit still that long.....EVER.
I have never seen her sit still that long.....EVER.
But the minute Brooke opened up this bed I made for Mckenna, Ivy was all over it.
Brooke was soooooo mad!
Brooke was soooooo mad!
The very last gift of the morning was out in the garage. The kids went on a little scavenger hunt around the house, and the last clue was in their shoes, telling them to put their shoes on and head outside!
Jack: "I can't believe it!"
And of course, we HAD to take them out right then!
8 am and 10 degrees outside.
Ivy was laughing and smiling the whole time in the jeep. SHE LOVES IT!
They would dance to the music tunes on the radio and it was soooo cute!
Brooke's outfit.....What a hoot!
Brooke's outfit.....What a hoot!
Yup, I was there too, Jammies and all!
We even hooked up a sled they got from Grandma Jane.
Brooke was squealing with joy the entire time, even though they were barely moving!
Me and Ives enjoyed the afternoon inside and WARM.
Ivy and her loot
What a cutie! It's hard to pick Ivy's favorite gift...as she just ran around playing with everyone's stuff and causing trouble everywhere!
I made each kid a gift this year. Brooke a Princess Blankie, Jack a "Flame" blankie, and Ivy an Owl Taggy. I sure hope they like them, pretty sure I won't be able to pull something like that off again, ever.
That minkie was a pain to sew with, but they sure turned out soooooooo cute and soft!
Brooke's favorite gift was easily determined, Mckenna and all her accessories. But the Jeep was in a close 2nd place.
She was humming when I took this picture. I was laughing so hard it ended up blurry, but I still love it.
My Jack is getting so big! I can't believe how old he looks in this picture!
The 4-wheeler was a clear winner for him, but he also LOVES this car track for the wall! I'm not going lie....it's pretty dang awesome!
In case you were wondering what I got for Christmas this year....
Back in June, yes June, I found this beauty at an Antique Store here in Rigby. I begged Vince for it, and he told me I could have it for Christmas. Well guess what, there was no way it was still going to be there at Christmas, so he let me get it anyway as long as I PROMISED it would be my Christmas.
Merry Christmas from the BYRAMS!
Back in June, yes June, I found this beauty at an Antique Store here in Rigby. I begged Vince for it, and he told me I could have it for Christmas. Well guess what, there was no way it was still going to be there at Christmas, so he let me get it anyway as long as I PROMISED it would be my Christmas.
I had a friend refinish it for me and now SHE IS GORGEOUS! I know you are thinking it looks better in the before photo, but trust me.....it's UNBELIEVABLE!
Then September came along, and I found a Stairclimber that I have always wanted on Craigslist for an AMAZING deal! A commercial climber for less than $500... SAY WHAT! This thing new is $2500! It was barely used and I begged and begged Vince for it. He informed me that I already had my Christmas sitting in our entry way, but because he is such an AMAZING MAN, he let me get it...on HIS BIRTHDAY none the less!

I just realized that I owe that man big time, and all I got him for Christmas was a pocket shaver....whoops.
Merry Christmas from the BYRAMS!