Friday, December 16, 2011

Preschool Christmas Program

Can you find Jack?

 There he is!

Yup, he is the one in the nice argyle sweater vest, black cords, and yup, WHITE socks!
 Which wouldn't have been a big deal if he hadn't decided to get in touch with his feminie side and cross his legs ever so nicely.

For the entire program.

I actually loved his pose. Loved the socks, loved it all. I laughed about it all night long.

He was so excited to see Santa!

Brooke would NOT go see Santa, but she got a goody bag anyway.

 She enjoyed a little Angry Birds during the program.

Great job Jack, we were all so proud. 


Karla said...

I need to give those cheeks some kisses!

kerstin said...

Haha! That's too cute! I didn't even notice that :)

Kasha said...

I love Jack's little leg crossing! Too funny!!

Ryan, Becca, Brinley Boo AND Casen too! said...

So fun! Love the outfit :) Your kids are just BEAUTIFUL!

Fox Family said...

your kiddos are so adorable, and I also love all Jack had to offer at his preschool concert. Haha...still giggling about the crossed legs. Miss you!