Friday, July 29, 2011

Those who say babies can't smile....

have obviously never met a Byram baby.


Alicia said...

Oh. My. GOSH!!! SOOO Cute! I can't believe how fast they go from brand newborn to baby - because I think mine's new and then I see yours and realize he's already past that stage! Sniff, sniff.

I'm so glad you said that, too, because I'm always saying that I swear my babies are smiling within the first couple of weeks - and it's not gas or whatever they say! Those doctors...what do they know??

She is just precious! Hope you are sleeping and feeling great!!

Denise said...

That is stinkin cute!! I am so happy you snapped that one!

Nichole said...

It's funny you say that cause when I saw that pic on Facebook I loved it and then later realized that she should me much too young to smile!

Lindsay said...

Sososososo cute!!! Love her!

Andrea said...

She is adorable! Looks just like the others!

mandy said...

So cute Ang. Love Ivy. She is BEAUTIFUL. You Byram's do know how to make cute babies.

Paige said...

oh goodness. she is ADORABLE! Congrats!! I was just thinking how I wasn't quite ready for another baby and then I saw this....and then I read your birth story and realized I'm still not ready! :) So sorry you couldn't get an epidural. that doesn't sound fun. I hope you are all getting a little sleep. We are so happy for you!

Ryan, Becca, Brinley Boo AND Casen too! said...

You just can't look at this picture without smiling! TOO PRECIOUS!!