I finally finished writing up her birth story for her baby book, and here it is for anyone interested in reading it. It isn't too detailed or graphic, so don't worry. Sorry you can't enlarge it, I don't know why?

Brooke has the most adorable curls and I had to put a picture in here of how curly it is when she gets out of the bathtub.
I love how her forehead looks huge in this picture, it really isn't.
We love playing with her hair, and here we have tried a side swoop. Vince said it looked "hideous", and we haven't tried it again. We will stick with our Curly Sue.
We put her in the high chair for the first time the other day and I almost started to cry (I do that often). She looked so grown up. I did however have to spend an hour cleaning some leftovers off the tray that Jack left a year or so ago, sick.
Brookelle melts her Daddy's heart! I know this because I don't recall him ever using baby talk with Jack, but with Brooke he can't help himself. She loves him too. When he walks in the door at night, she hears his voice and starts looking for him from her bouncy chair. As soon as he comes near, her face lights up with joy. She smiles the most for him!Things she loves:
- Her Daddy
- Watching Jack prance around
- Getting her hands involved in a poopy diaper change (any advice would be nice)
- Her Bink
- The bath
- Anyone that smiles at her
- Sucking her thumb, so cute
Things she dislikes:
- Being swaddled
- Her neck exercises (We are trying to avoid the nasty helmet)
- Being left alone, basically not being adored
- The BUMBO, she doesn't dislike it, she LOATHES it!
- Nursing (what a struggle)
She is a little piece of heaven that has fallen right into our home. We love you Brooke!
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