Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Jelly Bean

Saturday morning we were driving to Idaho Falls to run errands, when I heard weird screaming from the back seat. 

Ivy was hysterical but I couldn't understand why. Finally I screamed at the kids to find out what was wrong while I tired to find a place to pull over.

"She put a jelly bean up her nose!" Jack said.
"And it's stuck!"

I pulled over and tried to get it out, but no luck. And she was screaming hysterically. 
We drove straight to the Urgent Care and had to wait FOREVER! With all the kids. 

When I asked her why she would put a jelly bean up her nose, she said, "Jack said it would be funny." 
Jack and Brooke had apparently been doing it too. 

It took two of us to get it out! 

But she lived!