I have a LOVE/HATE relationship with the school carnival.
I love that my kids have so much fun, and I hate how stressful and crowded it is.
This year I had an extra tag along as I was babysitting for my neighbor, but I am glad to report that we all survived, and Ivy was even very well behaved.
I loved that Ivy wore her bag around her neck. She would just keep looking into it and finding pieces of candy to eat.
For 2 tickets you could go into a room filled with princesses. Such a cute idea!
Jack saved his 2 tickets from that to go into the spook alley in the gym. He kind of chickened out Changed his mind when it got down to it. I didn't blame him. I would have gone in there either! Next year, he says.
I had originally bought 50 tickets, and then bought additional 50 tickets when we ran out 5 minutes into the carnival. They had so much fun!
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