Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Halloween 2014

The night before Halloween, Brooke had her big dance Halloween party. 

Halloween morning we shipped the older two off to school, and Ivy and I hid the stores. She wanted to wear her Anna costume and for some reason she is SUPER well behaved when she is wearing it, so of course I said yes. Here she is having a fabulous conversation with herself in the mirror at Tuesday Morning. 

 Brooke made this adorable witch at school and I just had to have a photo of it. 

It was really windy and kind of chilly, so last minute I decided to make the girls capes to wear with their costumes. BAD IDEA!!! Fuzz fuzz everywhere, sweaty mom, and turned out to be a fabulous night and we didn't even use them. Boo. 

Dinner Time, they wanted to make a funny face.

Here they are showing off their pumpkins we made the night before.

I should let her wear that costume everyday. So cute. 

We headed out around 6 or 6:30 

And they thought it would be so funny to turn right back around and trick or treat first to Daddy. 

 It was a beautiful night. 

We stayed out until about 7:30 and Jack said he was tired and we went home. LOVE these three.  

This and That

Here is just a little bit of randomness from the Fall. 

School pictures. I love school pictures. So classic and timeless. And so very cute this year!

The kids take turns with the Ipad. It is Ivy's turn, which means the older two just stand behind her and enjoy her Ipad as well. It was soon after this, and after countless Ipad fights, that I decided to retire the Ipad from the kids leisure time. They are no longer able to play with it. I mean come on kids, you have TONS of toys. BE KIDS!

Getting Brooke ready for school was becoming such a pain with her snarls in the mornings. So we did a little cuttin! 

Ivy got a little trim that night too. She hates feeling left out. 

Our Elementary school LOVES to have themed days. Most of the days are sports days, which is killing us with Brooke's wardrobe. My favorite was "Sweats" day when Jack wanted to wear his sweatband! 
 And again, Ivy doesn't like to be left out so she got a before school photo too. 

 I forgot to take pictures while she was here, but Aunt Katherine came to visit in the middle of October and made the girls these hats for their Halloween costumes. So cute!

School Halloween Carnival

I have a LOVE/HATE relationship with the school carnival. 
I love that my kids have so much fun, and I hate how stressful and crowded it is. 

This year I had an extra tag along as I was babysitting for my neighbor, but I am glad to report that we all survived, and Ivy was even very well behaved. 
I loved that Ivy wore her bag around her neck. She would just keep looking into it and finding pieces of candy to eat. 

For 2 tickets you could go into a room filled with princesses. Such a cute idea!


 Jack saved his 2 tickets from that to go into the spook alley in the gym. He kind of chickened out  Changed his mind when it got down to it. I didn't blame him. I would have gone in there either! Next year, he says. 

I had originally bought 50 tickets, and then bought additional 50 tickets when we ran out 5 minutes into the carnival. They had so much fun!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Family Pictures 2014

 Jane's backyard has the most beautiful trees in the fall. 
So we set up the tripod and did a few pictures. 

Wheatley Halloween Party

So sad to have the party without Mom and Dad. But the show must go on!

Katherine put together a fabulous party!

 This year we decided to try something a little different, a little scarier. We took the kids on a walk through Grandma's Forest and had 3 Daddy's hiding in the trees. 

They did a great job and didn't scare the kids into an early grave. Just enough to make them scream. 
Perfect. I have to admit, I was just as scared walking the kids through there and I knew what was going to happen!

It was a great night!