The house is coming along so quickly!
I couldn't be any happier!
Feb 11
Feb 11
Feb 18
Feb 21
Feb 21
Feb 21
The concrete guys worked for a week or two, and then all of the sudden I drove by one day, and there was house!
March 4
March 5
From right to left: Laundry window, kitchen window, dining sliding door, two window seat windows.
I told Vince I though the framers put my kitchen sink window a little too high!!!!
Something was wrong on the plans and we did lower it!
The next day it was beyond awful weather, and when my sister in law called me (she lives across the street) and told me they were hanging trusses I had to drive over immediately! The wind was blowing like CRAZY! I still can't believe they hung them that day!
March 5
The framers were sooooo fast! I couldn't believe it!
March 6th
I drove by at least 3 times a day at this point, it was so exciting to see it taking shape!
March 7th
March 10th
March 10th
Here is the back
March 10th
The next two weeks were spent doing the heating, plumbing and electrical.
I happened over to the house one evening to help Vince and smacked my head into a beam. Nice.
March 28th
Ivy helps too. It was so cold this day and she sat freezing to death watching Frozen on the Ipad.
March 29th
On April 2nd Vince came home from the house with a super fun souvenir.
He was working on the heating and his finger got caught in his saw.
It got caught in the mechanism and he couldn't get it out. It just kept getting smashed!
I am glad to report that he didn't lose the finger, or the fingernail, and he is back to full use of his pinky.
The house April 4th
Heating: Check
Plumbing: Check
Electrical: Check!
Now we just need to pass those 3 inspections and we are on to insulation!
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