I am soooo behind on Blogging, so here is a recap of what we did the week before Christmas.
We decided to hop in the car and go look at Christmas lights in Idaho Falls. We heard that Hartet Street had the best lights, they call it Candy Cane Lane. As we drove down the street, we oo'd and aw'd at the cute houses. Then suddenly, Santa, Mrs Claus and Frost the Snowman all came out of this one house!
So of course we pulled over, with the other million cars, and jumped out to see Santa. A line formed very quickly so we waited in the freezing cold for about 15 minutes. But it was all worth it! So cute!
Then we went for ice cream. This is the only picture I have because my phone broke that night and I lost all my pictures :( At least I have a few!
On Friday the 20th we drove to Utah for Vince and Jack's Christmas surprise that I had planned for them.
I bought tickets to see Jaunito Banditos Christmas Special months ago and kept it a secret until we arrived at the theater.

We were so excited!
And I brought some Mustaches for good measure.
We brought Grandpa & Grandma Wheatley along for the "Cho", and they loved it too!
We are so handsome.
But Juanito wasn't the only Chrsitmas surprise planned.
I had a hair appointment to get my hair colored, and just before I went, Vince surprised me with hair extensions! I have always wanted to try them, but he ALWAYS said no and that they were too much money. I agreed, but always wanted them. He conspired with my Mom and hair dresser Denise and they ordered them for me and Denise colored them to match. What a fabulous Surprise!
Thanks for 1-upping my surprise Vince!!!
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