Although, I do recall sitting in the back yard in a lawn chair, 9 months pregnant with Jack, sipping ice cold Diet Caffeine Free Mountain Dew and reading pregnancy magazines, in between naps.----Oh to go back to that time, even if just for a day.
Funny thing is, that 6 years from now I will probably be dreaming of going back to this current stage in my life.
"""Man, remember when I had 3 toddlers, a job, cancer, and was Primary President...those were the days.""""
HA! Doubt it, but we'll see.
- Up and at 'em
- Check Email, check Zulilly & Pick Your Plum, check Facebook to make sure nothing fabulous happened overnight, take Thyroid Pill, start getting ready for the day.
- Good morning Jack, Brooke & Ivy. Start making breakfast, get vitamins and juice out.
- Get all the kids dressed and hair done. Finish getting myself dressed.
- Out the door to run errands. Monday is always Walmart Day. (some days we don't go anywhere in the morning and Ivy takes a morning nap and I get something accomplished)
- Listen to Ivy scream in the car, and at the stores for the next 2 hours.
- Return home. Get lunch ready for the kids. Wake up Ivy if she fell asleep on the way home. Get Jack ready for School.
- Back in the car to take Jack to school. MWF I drive Kindergarten carpool.
- Thursdays Brooke has dance from 12-1pm.
- Oh blessed 1-2 hours that I can work. I usually clean up lunch, list fabric on the website, take pictures of new collections, work on Primary stuff, and occasionally waste time on Pinterest. Sometimes I even have time to sew! Brooke's naps are not as awesome as they used to be. She takes a nap about every other day.
- The girls are usually up by now and we watch out the window for Jack to get off the bus.
- Jack is home around 3:20.
- Mommy Time. Every day for 1 hour I devote my time to the kids. Something fun. Sometimes a project, a game, a walk, a scavenger hunt, or baking something. Thank you Pinterest, Mommy Time could not exist without you.
- Dinner Prep. This is the time of day that I usually lose it. No patience, no tolerance for noise and messes, and usually a lot of yelling. I am not proud of it...but it happens. I am trying really really hard to smile from 4:30-5:30 every day. It's hard though. Ivy is whiny and they kids are usually really wound up. Dinner prep is my least favorite time of day.
- Dinner time. I'm actually shocked that I weigh anything, I NEVER have time to eat.
- If we are lucky, Vince is home about this time. Most nights it is around 7 he gets home. He usually relieves me of the kids so I can do dishes and clean the kitchen without a little ankle biter trying to climb in the dishwasher and get the knives out.
- Get the kids ready for bed. Ivy's bedtime right now is about 7:30. The kids go to be at 8pm. Brooke usually comes out of her bed 10x before she actually goes to sleep. So frustrating right now!
- Fabric cutting in the basement. Vince and I cut all the fabric orders from the day. Sometimes it only takes 10 minutes, sometimes it takes an hour or more. Sunday nights it is ALWAYS about an hour of cutting. Then I stay in the basement and package up all the orders from the night and create shipping labels for them. This ususally takes another hour.
- Most nights I try to work out at this time. Sometimes I don't finish fabric work until 9:30 and just forget exercising. I feel bad abandoning Vince for the night and working out, but I don't think he minds his free time.
- I usually shower, take the rest of my pills, and answer emails. Sometimes I stay up and work on Primary stuff.
And then I go to sleep, and it starts again.
After that day you manage to work out at 9:00 at night? Just the thought of that makes me want to take a nap. The other day Jericho and I were trying to figure out why we have gym memberships. I long for the day when I can see those mirrored walls again.
I just finished your stage only this year. I am you exactly 6 years from now. I know it feels crazy busy and you don't get to shower until 9 pm (if then) and nerves wear thin....and that you are so very tired all of the time because you never get enough sleep.
But, honestly, when I read your schedule I realized how much I miss the freedom that stage allows.
Sounds crazy to you , I know and I used to wonder when I was in your stage what people in my stage did all day. And I thought life must be so much easier in their stage........... And it is SO very wonderful to run errands without kids. I am grateful every time I get out of the car that I don't have to unbuckle multiple kids and take them in with me. And it is amazing to clean the house without kids underfoot and it stays that way for a few hours.
However, I would kill to have even one day a month that we didn't have anywhere we HAD to be until 11:30. The freedom to hang out in Pj's and let the kids play if you don't feel good or had a late night is awesome....I miss it.
Now every morning I have to have all three kids up, ready, fed breakfast, hair done, lunches packed, backpacks packed, scriptures read, prayers said and out the door at 7:45 am......every single day. Then the time between 2-7 is packed with three kids' homework (nothing wears on you more that trying to get dinner done while dealing with multiple homework meltdowns....well maybe a screaming baby:), guitar, baseball, scouts, gymnastics, dance, basketball, flag dinner, school reading assignments, baths and bed.
I feel I am running like a chicken with it's head cut off. When they are all in bed I am left with loads of laundry from the insane amount of outfit changes the day required for all of their activities. All the school paperwork to go the dinner cleanup.
I'm just realizing now that every stage is crazy busy, just in different ways. I guess that keeps us from getting bored. Just when we have one stage of life starting to get under control.....we are thrown into the next one.
You, however, deserve at least a few purple hearts (or at the very least, weekly spa treatments) for fighting cancer and keeping a business going through it all. Supermom for sure.
It is so great for you to document this. You will love looking back on it in years to come.
I should document my current schedule also. I'm sure in a few years when my kids are teenagers I will long for this time when the kids are all innocent and still want to spend time with their parents when they are home.
You are doing a great job!
And just for me...........why don't you all just stay in your pj's tomorrow until noon:)
Wow. That was a really long comment.......sorry:)
Wow, you are one productive lady! I have been thinking about doing a post exactly like this for the same reason - because I'm sure I'll look back on this time at some point and wonder what it was I did in a day! I'm so impressed that you run your own small business, that is just awesome.
I also love the Mommy Time idea. That works so well with the way my mind works - if it's scheduled in, then I have no qualms, if it's not, then I put it off or get annoyed that my kids won't leave me alone! =)
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