Someone in our house just turned 6!
And REALLY likes LEGOs!
It's Jack!
Grandma Jane took him Birthday shopping the day before his birthday and he was so excited to come home and show me his skateboard and other treasures!
Grandma Wheatley and his cousin Josh came up from Utah that day too to spend the night and help us with Jack's big party on his birthday. He got a HUGE lego set from Grandma Wheatley. He was on cloud 9.

The Party
13 Kids. It was a zoo!
A LEGO zoo!
Design a minifigure game, Tower building contest, find 4 matching pieces race, and a house building contest.
And Jack's favorite hot ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch!
I don't know what I would have done without these two wonderful ladies helping me!
Gotta love that " They are singing to me and I don't know what to do" birthday look!
Brooke enjoying her cupcake
Water balloon toss. They would have done this all day, wish I would have had more water balloons.
Sometimes mommy has to improvise and make our own pinata.
Pinata on a budget.
It was made a little too well, and wouldn't break open. Whoops.
Jack spent the rest of the afternoon doing LEGOs with his best lego buddy, Josh!
and we watched the LEGO movie he got for his birthday.
The kids sported their "medals" that they won during the birthday party games.
Then Grandma and Josh had to leave and go back to Utah. Ivy, along with the rest of us, had mixed feelings about Grandma and Josh leaving :(
Jack chose Subway for dinner. He LOVES Subway.
And then it was time for one more little party with the family
I love this one!
Blake just couldn't resist!
Brooke was sticky mess, as usual.
Happy Birthday little Buddy!