Wednesday, January 20, 2016

January Happenings

Ivy had Monster Day at preschool and she was the VIP in January.

 Poor James was so sick with Ear Infections. Couldn't wait for his tubes!

We spent most of the month getting ready for the big upcoming trips!

Trying on clothes, and shoes and swimsuits. Poor James and his very pudgy feet! 

I found Grandma John's old swim suit that she wore to St. George on my 8th birthday. Had to put it on and salute her. 

I also fell getting out of the car at the grocery store, when I slipped on some ice as my feet hit the ground and I hit the ground hard with my elbow and hit my head on the running board of the burb. I still can't put pressure on that elbow 2 months later. 

 James started pulling himself up to everything and thinking he was big stuff.

 And we all survived Parent Teacher Conference and the kids all got good reports. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ear Tubes For James

On January 14th James got ear tubes!
7 Ear infections was enough!

He was not super thrilled. We had them done in Rexburg at the Upper Valley ENT and Allergy Surgery Center.

Watching them put him out was super hard for this mom!

Maybe I wasn't supposed to be taking pictures, but I sure did!

 It was a quick 5 minute surgery and he woke up SCREAMING! We jumped in the car and fed him a bottle and he was out! Hopefully this helps his ears!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

West Yellowstone

We took a really quick and last minute trip to West Yellowstone the first of January!

We mostly swam!