Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Poor Brookie Poo, and a Trip to the Zoo

Poor Brooke had to have some warts removed. 

There was lots of screaming, but she did so good!
After the appointment, I decided she deserved a treat, so we went to the zoo! Spur of the moment.  I am soooo not like that, but we had a great time!

 This one is my fave!

And of course we had to make a penny,

And feed the ducks,

And pose for ridiculous photos. 

 I even splurged and bought them ice cream.  I am the bestest. 

The Spray Park

On June 15th I attempted the Spray Park, by myself, with all 4 kids.

Aside from the water being a little cold, it was a success!

 We even rode the carousel! 

So glad this boy was good for me!