Wednesday, June 17, 2015

James Alan- 2 months

It was so fun to see James start to develop a personality around 2 months. 
Around 6 or 7 weeks old we switched him over to formula full time and he was so much happier. 

 He went through a little stage where he loved having a blanket wrapped around his head. 

We started to notice a birthmark between his eye and ear.  

His poor hair, or lack thereof. 

He LOVES wearing hats....NOT!

 Here he is all bundled up for our first time in the jogger. Too bad that I hurt my back on our first trip around the block and couldn't go back out for over a month. Craziest back injury ever. Who hurts their back running?

 James' 2 months stats: 10lbs 13oz and 23"
He started smiling and only eating 1 time between 11pm and 7am. 
He poops once a day and LOVES to be held. 

He charmed the doctor at his appointment

but then it was time for shots...

He did not handle them well! He was screaming and wiggling so badly! The other 3 watched in horror! 
I picked him up to comfort him when the nurse was done, and when I laid him back down to put his pants on him I found a nasty surprise. He bled through his bandaids and we were both covered in blood!

Next time I will make sure to wear something that wipes easily! 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

James' Blessing

 May 3, 2015

Katherine stopped on Tremonton on her way up and grabbed Great Grandpa.  It was so great to have him here!

Saturday night we had a little fiasco with the cookie boxes falling out of the back of the car! 
Luckily, they still tasted great!

Loved having everyone there.  Really missed Mom and Dad though! 

April Happenings

Both of my boys made the front page of the Jefferson Star Website and were in the newspaper as well. 

Grocery shopping turned into my worst nightmare,

and the ride home was rarely pleasant as well. 

 The kids helped make dinner one night

 Ivy was in charge of James, her favorite job. 

My neighbor let me borrow her wrap to see if I liked it before buying one and James really liked it, but boy was it hot!
And we made popcorn balls for family night.

Jack also had his first piano recital but Ivy and James were such a handful that I forgot to get a picture!

Family Shooting Day

 We all got guns for Christmas, and we hadn't had a chance to shoot them yet.

So on April 11th we took a drive into the mountains and did a little shoot'n! 

I even got out and shot my little hand gun, which had a much bigger kick that I had expected!