Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Weekend in Utah

We went to Utah....again!
This time it was for our Brother-in-law, Kevin's, baptism. 
Congrats Kevin, we are so happy for you and your family!

On the way....

I have an obsession with taking pictures of the kids riding in the car.  It's only January 22nd and I already have 19 pictures of them riding in the car..... obsessed. 

Brooke's neck was kinked like that the ENTIRE 4 hour trip.  She is so funny.
And Jack, loving on his Llama Llama.
And Ivy is just a real treat in the car. She smiled for the camera, but the rest of the time she screams. 

 We made a little stop at Scheels in Sandy

And had a little bit of fun on their Ferris Wheel!

 I say "a little bit of fun" because Jack was TERRIFIED!

I was a wee bit scared myself....but his face wins!

By the end of the ride he was all smiles, and then he asked to ride it again and again. 

Cute little Photo Ops in the store

 And then for some crazy reason we decided to take my parents and all 3 kids to Cheescake Factory.
Ivy has never been to a restaurant.  First timer...
She was actually pretty good.  She ate an entire side of Fries and was so excited to get a drink with a straw!

Cheescake Factory wore these 3 right out!

 Love this one.  She sure loves her Grandpa!

 After the baptism on Saturday we headed down to Dad's work for some dinner and fun in the Gym. 

Uncle Vinny.....The Work Horse

Wish I would have gotten a better picture of all the babies fighting over this car, and our awesome-sauce bad mitten game!

Ivy fell asleep on the way home, and since I don't have enough pictures of the kids in the car, I thought I would take one more. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Grandpa Wheatley's 90th Birthday

January 5, 2013 at The Joseph Smith Memorial Building

 Brooke was so tired. We drove down and back all in one day!

We love you Grandpa!
Where's Ivy?
Grandma Jane was sweet enough to take Ivy for the day. So she got to stay home in Rigby and play at Grandma's.  We decided that a day to trip to SLC with Ivy is a death wish. 

We barely made it out of the parking garage before these two checked out.

I let Vince take a break from driving, and he went ahead and made himself right at home in the passenger seat.

Our ride was sooooooooooooooooo quiet without Ivers SCREAMING from the back seat.
It was lovely.